Many people think that Empathy and Sympathy are the same thing, they are actually surprisingly different from each other!

Sympathy involves understanding and acknowledging the feelings and experiences of another person from an intellectual standpoint. It provides a sense of safety, as it does not require one to fully immerse themselves in the emotions of the other person.

When offering sympathy, there is often a perceived power imbalance, as the sympathizer maintains a certain level of emotional distance from the experience. This can create a feeling of isolation for the recipient.

On the other hand, empathy involves actively sharing in the felt-experience of another person without relying solely on intellectual understanding. It requires one's nervous system to resonate with that of the other person, allowing them to truly feel what they are feeling. In this way, empathy creates a deeper connection between individuals.

When empathizing, it is clear that you are there alongside me, sharing in my experience rather than observing it from above. Empathy allows for a more genuine and intimate connection between individuals.

What is the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy?